How To Choose Bathroom Tile: Tips To Keep In Mind

When you are trying to choose the right tile for your bathroom you might realize that a huge number of choices are actually available. Tiles come in so many different styles, shapes, sizes, textures and more, whether you want a backsplash tile or larger tiles to create the illusion of one, solid surface.

Tiling is not just something for the walls, either. The floor tiles should be considered, and not getting the right tiles can even mean a slip hazard.

Keep Size in Mind

Size is definitely one of the keys to making the right choice of tile. If you are looking to choose tiles it can be easy to simply assume that you should make the choice based on the size of the room. This isn’t always the same. A large design of tiles in a small bathroom might look fantastic, it can give the impression of a larger, smoother surface.

The bathroom tiles design may be deliberately smaller, for more of a ‘mosaic’ effect. Even in a large bathroom, smaller, compact tiles placed together can sometimes look fantastic, and give more flexibility about which areas are suitable for tiling. You might not be tiling the whole room, instead, one specific feature with smaller tiles might be suitable.

Though some sizes might not be appropriate for your bathroom, size is an opportunity to make a design your own. It is not always about what will be easiest to tile, but what will look best in your opinion!

Balance Different Tile Types

Many people simply choose one design of tile and decide this is the theme for the whole of their bathroom. They may be missing a trick!

Different styles and colors of tile can be a good way to accent your design and give something more interesting to look at. Multiple tiles can create a mosaic look, a geometric pattern or even just a random sense of texture and natural, less clinical feel. For instance, you may wish to use three different shades of blue when tiling the walls, this can give a very interesting look and feels a lot more rustic.

Different tile sizes can be harder to work with, but textures and colors are a good way to create some variety in your design and break up what would otherwise be a huge mass of color.

One of the best ways to ensure that you are creating a quality design which will actually work is to discuss what you need with an excellent local company who know about tiling and how to create long-lasting, well-thought-out designs. If you’re based in Vegas, check out the best Las Vegas Contractors to help you through design and the tiling process.

Don’t Neglect Texture

Texture is definitely something you should think about in terms of design. How smooth should the finish be? Can a little texture give an interesting finish to the look of your tiled walls?

The texture isn’t just a feature relating to the look and design, though. For instance, if you are looking to put floor tiles in place on your bathroom floor, really smooth tiles can create a slip hazard and a little texture gives more to grip. This is especially helpful as your bathroom floor is naturally going to get wet at times.

On the flip side of that coin, a textured wall tile might be harder to clean. Smooth tiles are designed to be easy to wipe down and clean.

It may well be the case that you look for a very different design of floor tile compared to the tiles you end up with on the walls.

Remember, Grout Is the Finishing Touch

Bathroom tiles design maybe your initial focus, and the main decision you make, but grouting is equally important. There is no point in finding the perfect combination of tiles to get installed in your bathroom if you are not going to get the grouting right. Work with professional tile installation contractors to make sure the grouting is carried out properly.

You can get grout in different colors and it can be another great way to break up a design and make your bathroom look that extra bit more interesting. Black grout on white tiles or vice versa can give an interesting contrast.

Owen is a customer experience manager at Majestic Cabinets. Having several years of experience in the home improvement field, Owen is keen on sharing his knowledge and secrets with others. Doesn't matter if you’re a homeowner with little to no knowledge in the field or an experienced contractor, you can always learn something new and interesting from his stories. Owen hopes that his articles will give you a bit of insight on home improvement.